Why Pinetree

Pinetree Advisors Corp., is a Registered Investment Adviser firm with the State of Florida. We offer personalized financial advice in wealth management for high net worth individuals and we are fully committed to transparency and personalized service.

Our Goal

We represent with the utmost integrity our clients’ interests vis a’ vis financial institutions and third parties. Our goals are perfectly aligned with those of our clients, who benefit from our undivided professional attention and meticulous care. We take pride in our dedication towards our clients and work tirelessly to ensure that their goals are met.

Our Strength

Unlike many financial advisors, who focus solely on the investment portfolio, we provide a holistic guidance to help families with their overall financial picture. Being an independent
firm allows us to act fully in the best interest of our clients. Our existing institutional relationships with various custodians and financial-service entities are intended to provide lower operating costs and a streamlined process for all our clients’ needs.